14 day free trial of advanced features and never pay with the free plan
Deliver unlimited cmi5 and Tin Can xAPI courses from top authoring tools
Detailed course and learner reports of usage, progress, and results.
Invite, self sign up, Single Sign On, Google, Facebook, Amazon.
Add logos, colors, welcome text, policies and images.
Clear, detailed, progress reports for both learners and supervisors. Fully responsive to view on any device and continuously updated so you can follow learner progress as it happens.
View plansFollow course usage in real time with aggregated reports of registrations, duration, progress, completion and results. For cmi5 courses see the reports of individual units.
View your learners individual course progress. Drill down into their usage and results. View their answers for each attempt of every question in a course. All available to view in real time.
Make content available to anyone with social login and self sign up. Limit sign up with access codes and e-mail invites. Use OpenID or SAML Single Sign On to seamlessly integrate with your organization. All configured in minutes through your learning.dev platform.
Build your dedicated infrastructure in seconds. Choose to store your data in either the US, UK, or EU. All of your data is encrypted in transit and at rest to meet your regulatory needs. With high availability, scaling to millions of users without loss of performance, a learning.dev platform is the easiest way to build an enterprise learning and development solution.
learning.dev is a trading name of Berry Cloud Ltd, a company registered in England and wales under company number 08916479